Saturday, February 25, 2012

Bring Me Back to the 80's

Took some crazy notion yesterday that I should explore back into the 80's music. Wow, serious tunes back then and even more serious when I say I think I may belong in that era! Easily ended up downloading about 60 or so odd songs and can't wait to get letting loose in my room on my own dancing to them soon!

Music put aside for a second and I just HAVE to mention the clothes. Eeeeeppp the fashion was amazing too. You either love it or hate it, but I love me a bit of funk!

See anything familiar? Yep you guessed it, the prints are making a come back!

Side note finished and back to the music! Thought I'd share a few of my favourites that I came across to see what ye think, hopefully you'll find some love for them too :)

Warning!: The videos may be slightly odd to say the least! Enjoy...

Linking overload, sorry!

Thankyou for reading,
And please read again soon (I'll love you forever!!)