Wednesday, March 21, 2012

RTE The Voice Live Shows: Week 3 (Team Bressie)

So if you were lucky enough to have arisen from bed Sunday evening & lucky enough to not have had a headache after the crazy St Patrick's Day celebrations you would have had the joys of seeing what The Voice of Ireland contestants from Team Brian and Team Bressie had to offer to us this week.

Unlike last week one of the mentors and their team opened the show; Team Brian. Nice surprise for all the viewers, I myself wasn't expecting anything like that at all! It'll be interesting to see everyone else join together too.

I've decided to focus this week's post on the opening and closing acts of the night. They were probably my favourite two, so I'll stick with what I enjoyed :)

First onto the stage was Pat Byrne. I'm a huge fan of Pat's. He's a genuine, lovely guy and I really understand his love of music. His passion for music is plain to be seen. Singing Jets- 'Are you Gonna Be My Girl', Pat opened the show rocking with his guitar along with the new dancers of the show, choreographed by none other than Mr Breslin himself.... apparently he wore the outfit too....! *joke* Pat opened the show with a bang and everyone to follow kept the show on the road.

Closing the show with a stunning, energetic performance Conor Quinn gave us his all. He has gotten so relaxed about everything and seems to be really enjoying what he's doing on the show. The song choice was perfect for him, the upbeat 'Lonely Boy', made popular most recently by The Black Keys, ended the show on a high. We were left in suspense of who would be the unlucky two to go, it was honestly unable to call. 

Team Bressie seemed to steal the show for me Sunday night. Everyone's song choice was bang on & did them all justice. I genuinely couldn't understand how Kiera ended up in the bottom two, she has been one of my favourite female vocalists since her audition so I was really shocked by that. But then again with only 5 acts per judge on the night its hard to predict these things. 

The Guest Performance on the night was given by Rizzle Kicks, who I can honestly say I didn't really give much time to before I saw them perform on the show. Low and behold The Voice has managed to change it all, their interaction with the crowd was great and their dancing can't be ignored!! Really enjoyed their performance-my rapping skills are  slowly but surely improving! ;) 

So who is everyone looking forward to seeing this week?
What would you like to see the judges & contestants get up to?
Will everyone up their game that extra mile?
Who knows!
Be sure to tune in to RTE on Sunday, no doubt the show will be immense ;)
Until next week....
 Shaunna :)

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